Karate Progame tatami on kehitetty, testattu ja hyväksytty tarjoamaan laadukkaita ratkaisuja ottaen huomioon urheilijoiden tarpeet, Maailman Karateliitto WKF: n vaatimukset ja kilpailusäännöt.
Tatami on 2cm paksu ja on WKF hyväksytty ottelualusta.
- Tiheästi verkkoutettu polyetyleenivaahto, joka on kehitetty vastaamaan WKF-vaatimuksia.
- 1000 x 1000 x 20 mm
- Mattopala painaa 2,0 kg
- Olki kohokuviointi
- Laserprintattu WKF logo
This tatami have been developed, tested and approved to offer high quality solutions, considering athlets´ needs, WKF requirements and competition regulations.
Together with perseverance and commitment keeping both physical and mental balance is key to practicing karate successfully. Trocellen karate mat’s proper hardness and non-slip surface make it a very technical, professional tatami. It allows maximum concentration and instant reaction without the need to recover balance and waste energy.
- Expanded reticulated polyethylene foam developed to WKF match requirements.
- 1000 x 1000 x 20 mm
- Each mat weights 2,0 kg
- Rice straw embossing
- Laser printed WKF logo